Pray Specifically

Prayer: in my personal opinion, prayer is universal and is for everyone. Whether it is prayer in times of desperation or fear, prayer in gratitude, prayer in mourning, or even prayer in joy, it is something we all have in common, no matter who or what you pray to. And the power of prayer is real. Trust me, I’ve seen it in my personal life and certainly have seen it in my professional life as a nurse.

There are many times in my life when I’ve heard the phrase pray specifically. I’ve listened to countless stories of people who did or did not do just that and learned the outcome of such prayers. As a young, single adult, I decided I needed to work on patience to better myself. So, in a good southerner’s true fashion, I prayed specifically about it, on it, and for it. Eventually I got my answer, but it was in a most peculiar way. People laugh when I mention this, thinking it is a joke, but when I prayed for patience, I got my husband. God love him- it’s just a true statement.

As a young child, I learned about praying specifically from my parents and older brother. We tragically lost our family beagle in a very unexpected way, and my nine year old brother was devastated to say the least. I keenly observed my parents comforting him and telling him to pray specifically for another dog. Looking back, I’m not sure why they didn’t immediately run out and buy one, then tell him his prayers were miraculously answered. Nonetheless, they all stayed the course, specifically praying for the pup that was meant to be his. Within a few weeks, my brother entered a third grade essay contest at school, and what do you know, the top prize was a new dog. He wrote his heart out as to why he needed the puppy and anxiously awaited the results. To his dismay, he came in third place. However, as luck (or specific prayer) would have it, the first place winner was “allergic” to dogs (I’m not so certain the parents didn’t create this allergy), and the second place winner already had a dog and didn’t need nor want a second. So, that is how the random Scottish Terrier named Scooter became our family dog. We welcomed her into our home with loving arms. She was spoiled relentlessly, and my brother got his answer to his specific prayer.

When I think about people telling me to pray specifically as an adult, I have to mention my friend, Pamela. Pamela is now retired but worked many years in the case management department for a Nashville hospital. In one of my nursing liaison roles, it was necessary to form a bond with Pamela and have her trust me enough to send my company patients as a continuation of their care. And let me tell you, forming a bond with Pamela was not easy in the beginning.

The first time I met Pamela, she was stand-offish and prickly, and that is putting it mildly. She had been burned before by the company I worked for prior to my arrival, and she had not forgotten. Pamela is a tall, black woman with a confident nature, natural beauty, keen sense of style, and a very sharp intellect. And she tells it like it is. She can sniff out anyone who is disingenuous or fake faster than green grass through a goose, so it was pertinent for me to be as real as I could when trying to connect with her.

Getting Pamela to trust me with her patients was a very slow dance. With time we eventually connected over both being from Mississippi, both being mothers, and both having a strong faith. She had raised two children- a son who is a successful financial analyst and a daughter who is a physician with a thriving practice. One day, we were in the back office, discussing a few patients I would be helping her with as well as discussing the different things going on in our life. At the time, my husband and I were looking for a house to buy and had already lost out on two. Pamela was quick to encourage me not to give up hope, “You just have to pray. And you have to pray specifically. God will give you your house, but you have got to pray specifically.”

I knew Pamela meant business and responded, “You think?”

Pamela looked at me very seriously and replied. “Let me tell you a story. I prayed and prayed that my son would find a wife. I prayed on my knees, I prayed in my closet, I prayed at church, and I kept praying. I prayed she would love him, would have a good job, and would love the Lord. I prayed for a long time, and eventually she came.”

“Really? That’s great!”

“Yep. She adores my son, loves the Lord, and has a great job. But you can imagine how surprised I was when she was white.”

I nervously giggled, to be honest. “You were?”

“I sure was. That is why you must pray specifically.”

At that point I naturally burst into laughter. “Pamela! I can’t believe you told me that story. Me- the whitest white girl ever!” Tears from laughter started forming in my eyes as I took in the information my friend had just given me.

Pamela placed a hand on my leg as it shook from laughing so hard, “Oh I know, but it’s just the truth. Besides, I love you… and I love her now… just took me a minute. But I’m telling you, you better being praying specifically. You’ll get an answer if you just keep praying, but if you’re not specific, it may look a little different than you thought.”

Eventually I called it a day and took Pamela’s advice to pray specifically. My husband and I found our home and got our prayers answered…even down to the water fountain (see previous short story “The Highest Bid” for details). And I continue to tell others that they should pray specifically, then reference the story that Pamela told, which is usually met with roars of laughter.

So, as we celebrate this lovely Easter Sunday, may you remember to always be specific in prayer. Whether its prayer in gratitude in times of happiness, prayer in times of trouble, or prayer in times of thanksgiving, just make sure to remember what Pamela said :“You better be praying specifically.”

Our beloved answer to a prayer, Scooter the Scottish Terrier. I once had a clairvoyant (I know…I know) tell me one of my spirit guides on the other side is a black Scottish Terrier. Call it a coincidence, but I can see it. Besides, I was the only one in the family she didn’t bite.

I absolutely love these blessing beads from The Sercy Studio. They make perfect gifts for all occasions and lovely set outs on any side table.

How precious are this box filled with prayer cards? Find them here if you need an inexpensive gift or even a pick-me-up for yourself!

I’m obsessed with these paintings by Deann Herbert of Franklin, Tennessee. My favorites are the ones of old churches and angels, but there are honestly too many good ones to choose from. If you’re ever walking around the quaint square of downtown Franklin, pop in to see her studio. It’s just lovely!



Just a Swingin’


Hippity Hoppity Easter’s on its Way