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Real stories from a
real Southerner

Reflections and Shifts
susannah harris susannah harris

Reflections and Shifts

As this week comes to an end, I reflect on the past year of my life. You see, it was around this time, one year ago, that I set out on a journey to officially shift my life from burnt out, unfulfilled, unhappy healthcare worker back to the creative and mostly positive person I have always truly been. It was on September 14, 2021 (my fortieth birthday) that I launched my writing website, my Sunday short stories, and announced my upcoming book. Some call it a mid-life crisis while I like to call it a return to my true self. Goals were set- to highlight other fantastic, artistic creatives and write a short story every single week for the next year. I had enough stories to start and honestly wasn’t sure how long it would last, but with the quirky everyday-isms that occur and the hilarious people I have been lucky enough to collect as friends along the way, I was able to meet my goal. Today marks the 52nd Sunday short story.

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Labor Day Decisions
susannah harris susannah harris

Labor Day Decisions

Labor Day weekend in the South consists of two important cultural events: dove hunting and the start of SEC football. At times, a very serious decision must be made when planning the holiday weekend - attend the football game or attend a dove hunt. Now, depending on the team you cheer for or whether you are a hunter, the choice may not be too difficult. Or you could always hunt and simply watch the games on television. But for my family, it is a little tough when our team is hosting a season opener. Lucky enough for us, this year we will be doing both.

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Sheffield Boys
susannah harris susannah harris

Sheffield Boys

This past week, a childhood friend of mine lost his father. It had me reflecting on our time growing up together and how we have traveled together through this somewhat strange and magical journey of peaks and valleys that we call life. I have been blessed by some of the most wonderful friendships in this world. My girlfriends are all a Godsend, each in their own way. They help me navigate motherhood while not letting me forget myself and are always there to lend a supportive ear. I’m grateful for every single one of them coming into my life, and I have a very strong opinion that people should be leery of women who do not have many girlfriends because there is usually a reason why. But this is not a story about my incredible girlfriends. This is a story about my guy friends- the first and most important ones… the Sheffield Boys.

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Finding Jesus in the AT&T Store
susannah harris susannah harris

Finding Jesus in the AT&T Store

This past week has been a crazy one in our house. School finally started back on Wednesday with the dreaded, logistical nightmare of a half-day that sends parents scrambling for afternoon childcare and yet another lunch option. The afternoon of our particular half day, I found myself playing an intense game of basketball with my eight-year-old son (side note…I wouldn’t have practiced so much growing up if I knew I would end up in a daily pick-up game at the age of forty). Regardless, I placed my phone on top of my parked car, to keep it away from a random airball (not mine obviously) and still be able to hear if an important call came in. That is when my precious and beautiful bull-in-a-china-shop five-year-old daughter intervened.

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       A Shark Like This?
susannah harris susannah harris

A Shark Like This?

This past week, my family and I ventured down to Orange Beach, Alabama, to soak up the last little bits of summer before school and all the extra extracurricular activities of fall start back with a bang. As I returned to the beach where so many of my life’s memories have been made, it got me thinking of certain moments and places that stick out. From the coastal restaurants that have come and gone, to the island adventures during college, there are almost too many to choose from.

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The Beaver’s Back
susannah harris susannah harris

The Beaver’s Back

If someone had told me I would write about the precarious, furry creatures with oversized teeth that are commonly referred to as beavers, I would have told you that you were crazy, yet here I am doing just the thing. My stories come to me at random times, and they honestly can’t be predicted. So, here we are. For whatever reason, I’ve realized the beaver has randomly popped in and out of my entire life, and my curiosity of the animal has recently piqued my interest. And I found myself asking: Beaver…friend or foe? I guess it depends on how you look at it.

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The Final Southern Send-off
susannah harris susannah harris

The Final Southern Send-off

There are two things in life we obviously cannot escape- death and taxes. I’ve come to terms with the death thing, but taxes I’m still working on. At least when you die, there’s a celebration. Maybe paying taxes would be easier if we threw a party each April. Then again, you’d have to have some money left over for a proper celebration. Now, everyone knows the closest big event next to a southern wedding is that of the southern funeral. Southern funerals are just as big (sometimes even bigger), last even longer, can be very impromptu at times, and can even require an event coordinator. I know, that seems crazy, right? But I’ll have you know, a few funerals I have been to in Nashville, Tennessee, had an event coordinator because they were such the soiree. And if an event coordinator is not in the budget, a nosy and over-involved aunt will suffice.

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The Grands of Growing Up
susannah harris susannah harris

The Grands of Growing Up

A recent study completed by the University of Oxford show that there are key scientific benefits to children being raised around their grandparents. It is a fact that grandparents play a high-level role in the emotional as well as behavioral development of children. Grandparents consistently surrounded by their grandchildren tend to live longer lives, too. As my husband and I consider moving closer to my in-laws, I can’t help but think about the long-term benefits that will evolve for both my in-laws and my own children. I also think about the grandparents of my personal, everyday childhood with fondness and full- on belly laughter.

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